On 22nd May the Australian Government announced a $1.8 Billion package. This week’s blog is all about the Australian Government as we analyse what this means for you.
Continuing with our popular Q&A Series.....
Q: When will governments start to roll out the large-scale funds for shovel ready projects? A: The large-scale shovel ready funds have begun, led by Victoria. Monday 18th May 2020, Danial Andrews, Premier of Victoria announced ‘Building Works: More Jobs for Victorians’. We have provided an extensive extract of the media release as we expect other states to follow shortly along very similar lines and it’s important to understand the focus of the funding. Do you have your projects shovel ready? Q: When will grants get back to normal?
A: Never is the simple answer, as there is no such thing as normal when it comes to grants. In the over 40 years that Colin has worked in government and had an association with grants and funding in some form, the only normal is constant change. In seeking out funding it has to be remembered that what you are doing, and what Section51 helps you with, is achieving good things for your community. That remains the same. What changes constantly is what the funding providers are looking for and the process they use. We don’t reuse applications, even if it is for the same project, for the reason that every grant program is different to the last. Q: How do we keep track of what grant funds are available? There are so many announcements, it’s just constant and confusing.
Don’t be confused by announcements. Announcements do not necessarily mean a grant program is open. We know everyone is trying hard to do the right thing but we still have politics and media grabs with State and Australian Government looking for headlines. The same grant program can be announced 2, 3 or more times before it is opened. |
Section51 GRANT Blog
August 2024