The name of our company, Section51, is based on the section of the Australian Constitution that provides a key source of power for grants and funding between the Commonwealth, States, Territories and local government.
Key Contacts
Colin Steele - Managing Director
BA (UNE) DURP (UNE) DEnvs (Macq)
Prior to establishing Section51 Colin worked for over thirty years across three levels of government. He began with ten years as a local government planner followed by eleven years in the NSW Government including the executive of NSW Premiers Department. He then moved to Canberra to work for the Commonwealth Government with eleven years in designing, assessing, managing and evaluating grants programs.
Simone Miller - Business Manager
LLB (UNE), DipBus, DipMgt, DipMktg
Simone has been involved in Section51 since it's conception. She has a extensive experience in business, also running her own successful eCommerce business. Simone has a strong background in marketing and is currently undertaking a degree in psychology with a focus on psychology-led marketing strategies.
Key Contacts
Colin Steele - Managing Director
BA (UNE) DURP (UNE) DEnvs (Macq)
Prior to establishing Section51 Colin worked for over thirty years across three levels of government. He began with ten years as a local government planner followed by eleven years in the NSW Government including the executive of NSW Premiers Department. He then moved to Canberra to work for the Commonwealth Government with eleven years in designing, assessing, managing and evaluating grants programs.
Simone Miller - Business Manager
LLB (UNE), DipBus, DipMgt, DipMktg
Simone has been involved in Section51 since it's conception. She has a extensive experience in business, also running her own successful eCommerce business. Simone has a strong background in marketing and is currently undertaking a degree in psychology with a focus on psychology-led marketing strategies.