Welcome to the start of our series of regular Q&As, providing an inside perspective of the response of both Canberra and your state government in supporting local government through hibernation to economic recovery.
. This Q&A has been prepared in response to multiple requests to Section51 from council staff asking ‘what is happening’ with funding and support for local government. We will not repeat the vast amount of official information and advice from government or your LGA. We are providing our personal perspective from the inside workings of Canberra. We may not know the answer to many questions, but we do know how to find out. At the end of each Q&A we provide a simple 3 x 3 process to help guide you and council through the funding process. 3 tasks for the week, the next 3 weeks and 3 months. This will be updated for each Q&A. Enough of an introduction, let’s get into answering some of the questions we have been asked.
Section51 GRANT Blog
August 2024